Monday, 15 December 2008

Defining Ideas...

After researching some different films online I found a few I really liked, for example, Marley and Me and Definately Maybe. I decided that I wanted to base it on a true story, like the Titanic and found a newspaper article about a little girl called Hannah who had a heart diesease but refused to have a transplant and was being taken to court by the doctors. I decided I liked this story and could expand on it in the plan for my film by adding in other aspects of her life.

By changing the name and the storyline slightly I can use this for my film and still be original.

My film opening would be similar to the Titanic with a montage of clips from possibly different times and location. I do not want it to include dialogue but it will have non diegetic music playing. The opening two minutes will show Hope playing with her family and friends, in her own environment, possibly being read a story. It will not have any indication to her medical problem as that would come later on in the film. I will include in the two minutes the credits with producer/director ect. and finish off the title. I have decided to call my film, "Hope".

Media Project Two...

Ok so after finishing our first project we were given the second: a two minute film opening. It can be about anything and be in any genre, we can use any location, actors and costumes we want.

After brainstorming some genre's I decided I wanted to do a chick flick or a rom com. I enjoy this genre of film so it makes sense to do something I enjoy.

This is the opening few minutes to "Titanic". I like this beacuse it uses a montage of shots with music over the top. It is simple yet effective and uses scenes from the film without giving too much away, it doesnt include dialogue which also adds to the suspense about the film. I would like to do something like this in my opening two minutes.

The Mission of Editing...

We've now come to edit it...We had to put all the film onto the computer and then split it into separate shots...It took AGES!
After this we had to split the long takes of the clock on the wall,of me walking down a corridor and of George drumming his fingers and separated them out and slotted them together so they fit into a sequence and got slowly faster. We had to be careful working and out the time on the clock because we couldn't have it going continuously because it would not have looked right. We had to cut certain bits out so the time flowed right....
After that we sorted through all the different angles and shots of me walking through the door and the conversation and fitted them all together to finally produce something that looked half decent.


Overcoming Difficulties...

Over the period whilst we were filming we came across many difficulties....We had loads of stupid disagreements about little things.....Like....

How to film the clock and what angle we would have the camera at...Who would film it and who would actually be in it...What would be said in our conversation.....

All stupid little things and we finally decided on how we would do by making compromises...Not an easy job.
