Monday 11 January 2010

Final Ideas....?

So after looking through all my research I have a kind of final idea. I want to include some kind of issue that teenages and young adults are dealing with today so that my target audience can really relate to my film. I was completed stumped for ideas so decided to base it on something which I will be going through soon: the change from secondary school to university. Through that period of time I will be going through lots of changes, for example: the possiblilty of moving away from home, leaving old friends behind and making new friends, being completely independant and possibility of leaving behind relationships. All of these things are things that people will either be going through, are going through, or have been through so they can easily emphasise with my characters.

Going with this idea, I could use a group of my friends as actors to do my filming and can easily just film when I'm out and about and use this as footage. On this note for my teaser trailer I can mix hand held camera shots with shots using the tripod to mix it up a bit and add interest to the trailer.

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